青岛利尔农化(集团)研制开发有限公司是一家致力于绿色生命科学产业的以环保新农药为主业,以农资连锁、国际贸易等现代服务业为支撑的集科研、制造、国际国内市场等上下游一体的全产业链高新技术企业。产品涵盖农药原药、农药制剂、植保服务等相关领域。同时我们利尔始终坚持以国际化的思维谋发展,产品畅销全球几十个和地区,并在北美、南美、非洲等地区设立了海外子公司,使国际知名度和市场占有率稳步提高。 我们始终坚持“绿色化学、生命恒远”的发展理念,成为行业内循环经济模式的先行者,而且坚持通过发展循环经济、实现清洁生产,走资源节约型、环境友好型的发展道路,从而开发出更多优质产品,更好地服务社会、造福人类。通过多年的努力和辛勤耕耘,青岛利尔取得了企业、社会、“三农”多赢的良好成果,形成了小行业大品牌的名品、、名企的成果优势。 未来的利尔集团,将秉承“做绿色化学的先行者与领跑者”的企业使命、“执着追求、持续创新”的企业精神,朝着“打造具有国际竞争力与持续生命力的国际知名企业集团”这一目标阔步前行。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "杀虫剂;杀菌剂;除草剂;调节剂" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 山东省青岛市城阳区上马街道李仙庄工业园.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 佟圣尧
  • 15063025506
  • 0532-89085188
  • 0532-89085188
  • http://www.qdlear.com/
  • 266000
  • 山东省青岛市城阳区上马街道李仙庄工业园